Seminar Program


Main Speaker

Isar Oakmund - Tattoo Artist and Viking History Enthusiast


Guest Speakers

Howard Williams - Archeologist

Going to talk about the Viking Age, grave findings, hogback stones and a lot more....

Aaron Deter-Wolf - Archeologist

Specialised in historical tattooing on a more global scale, he will be talking about tattoo methods throughout time, mummies with tattoos from all over the world

Ed Gamester - Creator of Mythos

Talking about why we shouldn't let myths and magic and history like this die out, why should be allowed to be reinterpreted and put back into a more modern circulation



Introduction and welcome

Isar Peter Oakmund opens the seminar with a presentation of the idea that has started this project.


The history of Viking age ornamental styles

Working from the book The Viking art tome, Isar will present segments on the Nordic styles, and talk a bit about what is, to him, particularly fascinating about each style.


The interconnectedness of the art of Europe and nearby regions.

An introduction to the idea that art and artistry knows very few boundaries, and why we should be more accepting of a historical Europe without such defined borders and timelines.


The history and use of Runes, Bindrunes and Sigils

Working from his book Runes, Bindrunes and Sigils, Isar will talk about the use of runes, misunderstandings and oddities of their history, both in terms of esotericism as well as practical artistic use. 


Misappropriation and misunderstandings of historical designs.

As time has passed, Nordic ornaments, as well as others, have been used and misused many times over. We will talk about the power of symbols and icons, the misuse of history for all the wrong reasons and how symbols can and should be both protected and reclaimed through education.


Historical tattoos on a global level - history, development, rituals and more.

Tattooing is very far from a localised idea or event in both humanity and history. Here we will examine tattooing in different cultures, the idea of tattoos in ancient cultures and how they potentially corresponded with ritual magic, social structures and more.


Magical tattoos, if there ever was such a thing!

Tattooing today is, inevitably, a ritual, but generally is so to a much smaller degree than  it has been in the past. But even today, we read superstitious ideas into our tattoos, both in their reasoning and their purpose. In this segment, we will talk about the magic of tattoos, both historically and contemporarily.


How this all happened! A short explanation of how one journeys from bankruptcy to hyper-nerding Nordic tattoos!

Here, Isar will go through his career, share a few anecdotes and give some advice on how to maneuver the frightening world of art and business.



Questions and answers from the audience, no real limits as long as it falls within the boundaries of the seminar subjects.